Clinics & Services
Diabetes Clinic 
Nurse Sproule run this clinic on a Tuesday & Friday morning. Petra Bradley & Amy Grimes (Community Podiatrist) provide diabetic foot care and Claire Rainey (Community Diabetic Specialist Dietitian) is available for diabetic advice. (Dr Stewart has overall responsibility for Diabetic care in the practice).
Asthma/COPD Clinic (chronic bronchitis)
Nurses Jennifer Hamilton and Alison Hamilton hold Asthma & COPD Clinics. You may be offered a Telephone or Face to Face appointment. Dr Philip Haire is the lead GP for this Chronic Disease area.
CHD - (coronary heart disease) + Blood Pressure Care
Nurse Hamilton runs this clinic. Dr Linda King has overall responsibility for CHD. Clinics run on a Thursday afternoon.
Nurse Finlay maintains register of patients with HBA1C 42-47 - pre-diabetic - patient offered an appointment @ pre-diabetic clinic - annual HBA1C - patient referred to dietician & DESMOND programme.
For further information, please CLICK HERE and CLICK HERE
Dr L King has overall responsibility for our stroke patients in managing their blood pressure and cholesterol.
Dr S Greene has overall responsibility for epilepsy.
Anti-Coagulation Monitoring (INR)
Dr Philip Haire is responsible for anti-coagulation monitoring in the practice. Geraldine, Pat, Kate and Donna run the anti-coagulation clinic via coaguchek on a rota basis.
Mental Health Monitoring
Patients with mental health problems are invited for screening annually. Dr S Greene & Dr D Gallagher are responsible for the management of mental health.
Dr R McCrabbe is responsible for the management of hypothyroid patients.
Dr M Gallen is responsible for the management of cancer patients.
Other Services 
Child Health/Immunisations
The health visitors and doctors provide child health screening and development checks, as well as full immunisation services each Wednesday morning.
Well Woman Clinics -Cervical Smear Tests
Performed by the practice nurse or one of our female GPs if preferred. We operate a ‘call and recall’ system. In addition to a cervical smear test, breast examination, advice regarding life-style, menopausal problems and family planning, is offered, where appropriate.
W e offer a comprehensive service (including the fitting of IUDs i.e. coil and Implanon / Nexplanon), within normal surgery hours. All patients receiving contraceptive services are advised to have an annual check up.
Ante Natal Care
Anita McCay, the community midwife, is involved with the care of women throughout their pregnancies and runs regular antenatal clinics and parentcraft classes every Tuesday afternoon 13:00 - 17:00. Tel: 817 71211.
Post Natal Examinations
Carried out by appointment at six weeks post natal.
Smoking Cessation
All of our Practice Nurses are trained in smoking cessation.
Influenza Vaccination 
In September / October every year, we offer flu vaccinations to our patients. It is strongly recommended for high risk patients e.g. those with diabetes, respiratory disease, heart disease, chronic kidney disease, neurological disease, over 65s, carers and those who live and work in a nursing home.
Minor Surgery
Certain minor surgical procedures are carried out by the doctors. After consultation with the Doctor / Practice Nurse, patient will be added to our Minor Surgery waiting list and will be contacted accordingly. We offer minor surgery to other practices in our locality, following referral from their GP.
Learning Disability
We can now offer an annual health check for patients 18+ on our learning disability register. This includes a general health check, advice on how to stay healthy and useful information for carers and support workers.
Weight Management
The Primary Care Team will advise on weight management and diet. Please arrange to see one of our practice nurses.